Appealing cards instead of a boring list of pages

It's always important to draw attention to relevant information. The Handy Cards macro allows you to preview your Confluence pages on the main one allowing other users to easily browse between multiple pages.

Create a bright page menu in a couple of clicks by selecting content from the top of a page automatically or spend time by designing the cards' content manually.

Cards for child pages with automatic content

Don't hesitate, switch to the page editor and try to play with cards' configuration. Switch from 'Top of the page' to 'The Excerpt macro' content source.

Try other features

Take advantage of the other macros bundled within Handy Macros app. Click any of the buttons below to check out their capabilities.

Handy Status demo

Handy Reminder demo

Handy Cards demo

Handy Tip demo

Handy Carousel demo

Handy Button demo

Handy Page Diff demo

Handy Tasks demo

Handy Date demo

Handy Timestamp demo

Try add-on free!

  • No labels