Tooltips with useful information

Handy Tip adds the ability to hover over any piece of text, image or emoticon displaying pop-up tooltips with additional information. This macro can help you create interactive pages instead of boring endless documents.

To add a tooltip you need to highlight content you'd like to add a tip to and select Handy Tip from the Insert more content menu:

Look through the article below. Hover over:

  • the (question) emoticon
  • image
  • text link Courses and Quizzes – LMS for Confluence

How to Ace Employee Certification in Atlassian Confluence

Today companies that invest in employee training open the door to new business opportunities and are more attractive to their potential workforce. These organizations need a way to check the level of skills, experience and expertise of their employees on a continuous basis. Some choose professional certificationfor that. While it is required for certain professions (doctors, pilots, emergency medical technicians, for example), many employers turn to professional certification voluntary. (question)

LMS Market

If you’ve been keeping up with the LMS market at all then we’re sure you’ve seen the large growth that’s been happening year over year. Case and point, there are now over 700 LMS providers (or even 1,000 depending on who you’re asking) in the market.

Employee certification in Confluence

To prepare for internal or third-party certification you can:

  1. use a separate learning management system (LMS) to help employees engage with training content
  2. encourage your team to get ready on their own
  3. create training courses with relevant content in Confluence

If your company uses Atlassian Confluence, you can organize internal certification or set up preparation to a third party professional certification using Courses and Quizzes – LMS for Confluence – create certification training courses and/or certification quizzes (tests). You can make training and certification more appealing for your team because they will use the platform they already know. All you need to do is to populate your Confluence with the proper materials to train and educate your team.

Try other features

Take advantage of the other macros bundled within Handy Macros app. Click any of the buttons below to check out their capabilities.

Handy Status demo

Handy Reminder demo

Handy Cards demo

Handy Tip demo

Handy Carousel demo

Handy Button demo

Handy Page Diff demo

Handy Tasks demo

Handy Date demo

Handy Timestamp demo

Try add-on free!

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