Create your own gallery with Handy Carousel! Try different types of galleries - Carousel, Circle, Slider.

Edit the page, add your own pictures or Youtube links to the gallery, change settings for the Handy Carousel macro.

For better display of media assets on this page, please choose images and YouTube videos having the same resolution (450px by width). You may adjust resolution for the each item right in Confluence.

Try other features

Take advantage of the other macros bundled within Handy Macros app. Click any of the buttons below to check out their capabilities.

Handy Status demo

Handy Reminder demo

Handy Cards demo

Handy Tip demo

Handy Carousel demo

Handy Button demo

Handy Page Diff demo

Handy Tasks demo

Handy Date demo

Handy Timestamp demo

Try add-on free!

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