Quiz participants can be Confluence users and groups or external participants without an account in Confluence.

There are two options for quiz participants to get enrolled to a quiz:

  • either a quiz author needs to share a quiz with them by emailing a quiz link

  • or, a quiz author can let participants self-enroll to a quiz

On this page:

Share a Quiz

To share a quiz, you need to click the Share quiz button on the quiz page and enter participants you want to assign a quiz to.

Refer to Documentation to learn more about sharing a quiz. 

Once you share a quiz, participants will get an email with a quiz link.

Try it

You can try sharing a quiz with yourself. To do that:

  1. go to a sample quiz
  2. press Share quiz button
  3. enter your email address in Receivers


A quiz author can also let participants self-enroll to quizzes. 

Refer to Documentation to learn more about self-enrollment options. 

Self-enrollment options:

  • Custom quiz landing page with the 'Take quiz' button. (See an example here)

  • Page with training material and the 'Take quiz' button, clicking which leads to a quiz checking understanding of the presented material
  • Page with a list of quizzes – with quiz details and the 'Take quiz' button for each quiz. (See an example here)

What to do next?

Once your quiz goes live and participants start taking it, you can track their results on the quiz page. Click the button below to learn more about it.

Next step

To see quizzes as a participant, take sample quizzes at the Take Quiz page. 

Ask us if you have any questions. 

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