Chart from Table is a macro bundled within Table Filter, Charts & Spreadsheets app. It allows you to generate dynamically updated charts with the capability to instantly switch between columns with different data values.


Adding Simple Smart Charts

Hover over the table, click the  icon on the top right corner of the table and select the  option.

Select the chart type, select one of the charts suggested. To remove the chart, click the  icon and select the Remove the macro option.

Try to build a chart based on the sample table below.

See how to insert and remove a chart...

Agent Date Tickets per Hour Ticket Response (min) Calls per Hour Answered TIckets
Remy Dempo 25.06.2020 7.3 3.2 3.3 89
Rahul Dickstein 26.06.2020 8.5 3.1 1.8 95
Radu Donahue 27.06.2020 5.0 3.7 4.5 65
Preston Doorey 28.06.2020 2.2 5.8 2.7 28
Phill Doyle 29.06.2020 3.9 5.2 2.9 37

Chart Examples

Try to see Chart from Table macro in action while working with the following chart examples.


Sample Chart #1 - Pie/Donut, Column, Bar

Use Hint

Try to alternate the view of the chart by switching among the following chart types:

You can also select a new column with data values of the following ones:

You can use the Cogwheel  icon on the chart management panel to save the changes in the chart, show or hide the source table, or export your chart to PDF or Word.

700AgentAnswered TIcketsPiePoint (.)2#8eb021,#d04437,#3572b0,#f6c342, Dempo‚Rahul Dickstein‚Radu Donahue‚Preston Doorey‚Phill Doyle1438704803153_646027804
Agent Date Tickets per Hour Ticket Response (min) Calls per Hour Answered TIckets
Remy Dempo 25.06.2020 7.3 3.2 3.3 89
Rahul Dickstein 26.06.2020 8.5 3.1 1.8 95
Radu Donahue 27.06.2020 5.0 3.7 4.5 65
Preston Doorey 28.06.2020 2.2 5.8 2.7 28
Phill Doyle 29.06.2020 3.9 5.2 2.9 37

Sample Chart #2 - Line/Area

Use Hint

Try to alternate the view of the chart by switching among the following chart types:

For the Row Labels and Values Column use only table columns containing numbers.

You can use the Cogwheel  icon on the chart management panel to save the changes in the chart, show or hide the source table, or export your chart to PDF or Word.

700true250Spendingsm/d/yyIncome‚Balance1441007490232_-1416480034LinePoint (.)2
Date Income Spendings Balance
8/1/2021 4366.50 4332.43 34.07
8/2/2021 3369.00 4251.00 -882.00
8/3/2021 4685.00 5212.57 -527.57
8/4/2021 3284.25 2912.14 372.11
8/5/2021 2892.75 4260.00 -1367.25
8/6/2021 2833.38 3034.29 -200.91
8/7/2021 3827.63 4318.00 -490.38
8/8/2021 3936.38 5706.71 -1770.34
8/9/2021 4804.38 3199.57 1604.80
8/10/2021 4325.38 4151.86 173.52
8/11/2021 4884.13 3800.71 1083.41
8/12/2021 4265.38 3469.86 795.52
8/13/2021 4737.25 3301.14 1436.11
8/14/2021 3201.75 4026.86 -825.11
8/15/2021 4498.88 4910.00 -411.13
8/16/2021 4823.88 3562.86 1261.02
8/17/2021 3833.63 4584.57 -750.95
8/18/2021 2753.25 2933.71 -180.46
8/19/2021 3685.25 4079.57 -394.32
8/20/2021 4313.50 4852.71 -539.21
8/21/2021 2726.25 5172.00 -2445.75
8/22/2021 4849.25 4364.57 484.68
8/23/2021 3778.50 5115.14 -1336.64
8/24/2021 3225.50 3665.71 -440.21
8/25/2021 4719.13 3601.57 1117.55
8/26/2021 3815.25 3517.00 298.25
8/27/2021 4983.88 3913.86 1070.02
8/28/2021 4219.00 5315.14 -1096.14
8/29/2021 3282.00 5555.86 -2273.86
8/30/2021 3746.13 3921.57 -175.45
8/31/2021 4939.50 4909.29 30.21

Sample Chart #3 - Time Line/Area

Use Hint

Try to alternate the view of the chart by switching among the following chart types:

Alternate the Values Column among the following table columns:

You can use the Cogwheel  icon on the chart management panel to save the changes in the chart, show or hide the source table, or export your chart to PDF or Word.

You can display the trendlines to better understand data movements over the entire time period.

800VerticalrightDateIncome‚Balance‚SpendingsCenterTime LinePoint (.)2#8eb021,#d04437,#3572b0true250truem/d/yy1513330652085_13715284855|8|w d h m
Date Income Spendings Balance
8/1/2021 4366.50 4332.43 34.07
8/2/2021 3369.00 4251.00 -882.00
8/3/2021 4685.00 5212.57 -527.57
8/4/2021 3284.25 2912.14 372.11
8/5/2021 2892.75 4260.00 -1367.25
8/6/2021 2833.38 3034.29 -200.91
8/7/2021 3827.63 4318.00 -490.38
8/8/2021 3936.38 5706.71 -1770.34
8/9/2021 4804.38 3199.57 1604.80
8/10/2021 4325.38 4151.86 173.52
8/11/2021 4884.13 3800.71 1083.41
8/12/2021 4265.38 3469.86 795.52
8/13/2021 4737.25 3301.14 1436.11
8/14/2021 3201.75 4026.86 -825.11
8/15/2021 4498.88 4910.00 -411.13
8/16/2021 4823.88 3562.86 1261.02
8/17/2021 3833.63 4584.57 -750.95
8/18/2021 2753.25 2933.71 -180.46
8/19/2021 3685.25 4079.57 -394.32
8/20/2021 4313.50 4852.71 -539.21
8/21/2021 2726.25 5172.00 -2445.75
8/22/2021 4849.25 4364.57 484.68
8/23/2021 3778.50 5115.14 -1336.64
8/24/2021 3225.50 3665.71 -440.21
8/25/2021 4719.13 3601.57 1117.55
8/26/2021 3815.25 3517.00 298.25
8/27/2021 4983.88 3913.86 1070.02
8/28/2021 4219.00 5315.14 -1096.14
8/29/2021 3282.00 5555.86 -2273.86
8/30/2021 3746.13 3921.57 -175.45
8/31/2021 4939.50 4909.29 30.21

Sample Chart #4 - Stacked Column/Bar

Use Hint

Try to alternate the view of the chart by adding or removing columns with values for this stacked column chart:

Alternate the view of the chart by switching between the following chart types:

You can use the Cogwheel  icon on the chart management panel to save the changes in the chart, show or hide the source table, or export your chart to PDF or Word.

500true400Add-onyy-mm-ddQ1 2014‚Q2 2014‚Q3 2014‚Q4 20141449569397567_-127502783Stacked ColumnPoint (.)2
Add-on Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021
Table Filter 139 114 145 106 106 103 148 105
Smart Attachments 54 79 69 66 90 96 50 97
Awesome Graphs 142 128 135 195 198 179 238 192
Quizzes 20 48 36 42 33 37 46 29
Customer Case 15 10 13 25 18 22 17 19

Sample Chart #5 - Gantt

Use Hint

You can build a Gantt chart to visualize project stages during the project planning and resource estimation.

VerticalrightTask Type‚Task Description‚Milestone‚EventStart Date‚End Date‚Completion‚DateCenterGanttPoint (.)2#8eb021,#7b6888,#69a6f9,#d04437,#0c6197,#a3acb2,#3572b0,#cc1010,#31383b,#f6c342,#e98125,#6ada6a,#654982,#e4a14b,#8cc3e9,#d8d23a,#65a620,#d8d23a,#f691b2,#2484c1truem/d/yyAnalysis‚Analysis - Done‚Analysis - Todo‚Design‚Design - Done‚Design - Todo‚Development‚Development - Done‚Development - Todo‚Testing‚Testing - Done‚Testing - Todo‚Deployment‚Deployment - Done‚Deployment - Todo‚RC1‚RC2‚Today‚Meeting with Stakeholders‚Payment1513330486549_-12863313247|10|h
Task Type Task Description Start Date End Date Completion
Analysis Onsite Meetings 8/1/2020 8/7/2020 100%
Analysis Discussions with Stakeholders 8/8/2020 8/20/2020 100%

Documenting Requirements

8/15/2020 8/25/2020 95%
Analysis Creation of Mockups 8/21/2020 9/7/2020 95%
Analysis Verification of Requirements 9/5/2020 9/15/2020 50%
Design Design Database 9/15/2020 9/25/2020 0%
Design Software Design 9/26/2020 10/1/2020 0%
Design Interface Design 10/5/2020 10/15/2020 0%
Design Create Design Specifications 10/17/2020 10/25/2020 0%
Design Verification of Design Specifications 10/28/2020 11/7/2020 0%
Development Development of System Modules 10/16/2020 12/31/2020 0%

Integration of System Modules

1/1/2021 1/15/2021 0%
Development Initial Testing of System Modules 1/17/2021 1/31/2021 0%
Development Deployment to Test Environment 2/1/2021 2/5/2021 0%
Testing System Testing 1/20/2021 2/8/2021 0%
Testing Penetration Testing 2/10/2021 2/15/2021 0%
Testing Performance Testing 2/17/2021 2/20/2021 0%
Testing Tracking Found Issues 2/18/2021 2/25/2021 0%
Testing Fixing Found Issues 2/21/2021 2/28/2021 0%
Deployment Data Migration 3/1/2021 3/4/2021 0%
Deployment System Integration 3/5/2021 3/9/2021 0%
Deployment System Monitoring 3/10/2021 3/31/2021 0%
Task Type Milestone Date
Development RC1


Development RC2 2/3/2021



Today today
Meeting with Stakeholders 10/5/2020
Payment 3/15/2021