On this page:

Viewing Answers

When viewing participant's answers, you can see:

  • which questions were answered correctly and wrong
  • which questions were not answered
  • what answers a participant choose to each question

Refer to Documentation to learn more about viewing participant's results.

To view the detailed results of a particular participant, you need to:

  • Go to the quiz page

    Click 'Expand' below to view a sample quiz page.

    The original page of this sample can be found here.


  • In the Quiz Results section on the very bottom of the page, find the record of the participant whose answers you need to view
  • Click  in the 'Result' cell
  • View answers question-by-question


Reviewing Answers

Once a participant completes a quiz with free text questions, a quiz author gets an email notification informing them about a new quiz submission with questions that need to be reviewed and marked.

To review answers to free text questions submitted by a participant, you can follow the ‘Review answers’ link in an email notification or click  in the corresponding record in the ‘Quiz Report’ table on a quiz page. You will see the first free text question with the answer that needs to be reviewed.

Refer to Documentation to learn more about reviewing answers to free text questions.

To see how it works:

  1. Take a sample quiz with a free text question by clicking the button below
  2. Go to the Solar System quiz page

    Make sure you are logged in as a Guest.

  3. Find your record in the ‘Quiz Report’ table
  4. Click  in the 'Result' cell
  5. Review and mark your answer to a free text question in a new tab