Viewing Answers

When viewing participant's answers, you can see:

To view the detailed results of a particular participant, you need to:

Refer to Documentation to learn more about viewing participant's results.

Reviewing Answers

Once a participant completes a quiz with free text questions, a quiz author gets an email notification informing them about a new quiz submission with questions that need to be reviewed and marked.

To review answers to free text questions submitted by a participant, you can follow the ‘Review answers’ link in an email notification or click  in the corresponding record in the ‘Quiz Report’ table on a quiz page. You will see the first free text question with the answer that needs to be reviewed.

To see how it works:

  1. Take a sample quiz with a free text question by clicking the button below
  2. Go to the Solar System quiz page. Make sure you are logged in as a Guest
  3. Find your record in the ‘Quiz Report’ table
  4. Click  in the 'Result' cell
  5. Review and mark your answer to a free text question in a new tab

Refer to Documentation to learn more about reviewing answers to free text questions.